Fully implemented Multi User xrdp with xorgxrdp and pulseaudio on Ubuntu 20.04/18.04/16.04/kali. Copy/Paste and sound is working. Users can re-login in the same session. Xfce4, Firefox are pre installed.
danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:16.04 danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:18.04 or latest danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:20.04 danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:clean (for development)
and a debian version kali linux (experiment) danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:kali
Start the rdp server (WARNING: use the --shm-size 1g or firefox/chrome will crash)
docker run -d --name uxrdp --hostname terminalserver --shm-size 1g -p 3389:3389 -p 2222:22 danielguerra/ubuntu-xrdp:20.04
Connect with your remote desktop client to the docker server. Use the Xorg session (leave as it is), user and pass.
To automate the creation of users, supply a file users.list in the /etc directory of the container. The format is as follows:
id username password-hash list-of-supplemental-groups
The provided users.list file will create a sample user with sudo rights
Username: ubuntu Password: ubuntu
To generate the password hash use the following line
openssl passwd -1 'newpassword'
Run the xrdp container with your file
docker run -d -v $PWD/users.list:/etc/users.list